Alice Inoue is the founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happiness University. She is an expert life guide, and author of seven nationally award-winning books, on life wisdom, self-growth and happiness. She has three columns, one in Midweek titled “A Mindful Moment,” and an award-winning column in the Sunday Star-Advertiser called “Go Ask Alice,” that […]
Sjögren’s and Lupus Support Group 2018
I’m happy to announce our first support group meeting in 2018….. Friday, March 30, 2018 5-7pm MOA Wellness Center 600 Queen Street Suite C2 Parking is FREE and entrance will be on South Street The support group is free and we’d love to have you attend with your family and friends. You will also have […]
Angelica Ponce
I, Angelica Ponce have been a lupus warrior since December 16, 2014. At that time, I was a senior in high school excitedly waiting to graduate. When I found out that I had lupus, I was prepared to accept the truth that I will have to live with lupus for the rest of my life. […]
Anissa’s Life With Lupus
It has been almost a year since I applied to the Lupus Inspiration Foundation for Excellence scholarship, and it was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made! After receiving a very generous scholarship from the Sjögren’s and Lupus Foundation of Hawaii, I was able to provide my parents with some financial help in supporting […]
Jodie Ching
Illness is a teacher. While I would have preferred not to have been diagnosed with lupus, I have gained much wisdom and valuable friendships since. In late October of 2015, I developed a rash on my forehead and the middle of my upper back. I initially suspected an allergic reaction to something I was eating […]